Celebrating Holy Week While Believing All Religions Lead to God is Blasphemy
Celebrating Holy Week is nothing more than a mockery for the Roman Catholic institution for this reason - Jesus declared in John 14:6 that He is not just a way but the Way, not just a truth but the Truth and the Life. Galatians 2:21 says that if salvation came by the law or by good works then Christ is dead in vain. Romans 11:6 says that if it's by faith then it's not by works and if by works then it's not of faith - salvation is either by faith or by works. While true salvation results to good works yet it's totally different from salvation by one's own good works. One produces good works as a result of salvation while the other tries to produce good works in hopes of gaining it - all the while one is still truly spiritually dead to be good enough for God!
We are indeed living in the last days. It's getting more noticeable that the Vatican II Council has become more and more openly ecumenical. Mother Theresa even endorses the idea that "Just be a good person and you will be saved." Even some longtime Catholic apologists have gone as far as to contradict themselves by saying the same lie. The whole idea of a "time for healing" is just a huge joke. The idea that all religions must co-exist for the sake of harmony has been prevalent. I remembered having been born under the rule of John Paul II and having lived the 90s up to some time in the 2000s under his papacy. John Paul II throughout his life not only called Billy Graham his "brother in Christ" but also went to have more inter-religious dialogue. His current successor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis continue to do so. So much for claiming to be the successors of Peter, right?
I agree that most religions teach something good but that doesn't make their wrong doctrine of salvation right. I've seen Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Roman Catholics do good works like treating each other right and charity projects. It's no surprise to see Buddhist monks and nuns teach moral values to some prisoners or run a prison ministry. I have seen Roman Catholic nuns doing feeding projects. These projects are not wrong per se. The real problem is that the unsaved people who do all the good they can don't really know Jesus as their Savior. Before you can ask, "Who's better between an honest unbeliever and a rapist Christian?" then my answer is neither as the rapist "Christian" is just as lost as the other is my answer. The only reward that unbelievers of good moral character will get is but a cooler Hell - but too bad this cooler Hell as spoken by Puritan Thomas Brooks in the same brochure has no electric fan, drinking stations or air conditioners to make their punishment any less painful either!
How do many religions today regard Jesus Christ will affect their eternal destiny. Some Taoists merely view Jesus as but another good teacher or another pagan god that they are willing to add into their religion - they only view Him as a way but not the Way and there's a big difference. I wonder do some Taoists believe that Jesus would eventually succeed the Jade Emperor as the Master of the Dawn of the Jade of the Golden Door (and note that Jesus declared Himself as the Door of the sheep)? Some Buddhists and Hindus have conflicting views on Jesus - some may consider Him as an incarnation of Vishnu or Amitabha Buddha while others may consider Him to be the upcoming Maitreya Buddha. Muslims merely consider Jesus to be another prophet and reject the fact that He actually died on the cross for the sins of mankind. These teachings of Jesus can't reconcile with biblical truth in one way or another.
So if religions led to God then Christ is dead in vain. But thank God that Christ is not dead in vain. It's also a frightful truth that Christ is not dead in vain. It's because rejection of the only Way, the Truth and the Life means eternal damnation for those who do!
See also:
I agree that most religions teach something good but that doesn't make their wrong doctrine of salvation right. I've seen Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Roman Catholics do good works like treating each other right and charity projects. It's no surprise to see Buddhist monks and nuns teach moral values to some prisoners or run a prison ministry. I have seen Roman Catholic nuns doing feeding projects. These projects are not wrong per se. The real problem is that the unsaved people who do all the good they can don't really know Jesus as their Savior. Before you can ask, "Who's better between an honest unbeliever and a rapist Christian?" then my answer is neither as the rapist "Christian" is just as lost as the other is my answer. The only reward that unbelievers of good moral character will get is but a cooler Hell - but too bad this cooler Hell as spoken by Puritan Thomas Brooks in the same brochure has no electric fan, drinking stations or air conditioners to make their punishment any less painful either!
How do many religions today regard Jesus Christ will affect their eternal destiny. Some Taoists merely view Jesus as but another good teacher or another pagan god that they are willing to add into their religion - they only view Him as a way but not the Way and there's a big difference. I wonder do some Taoists believe that Jesus would eventually succeed the Jade Emperor as the Master of the Dawn of the Jade of the Golden Door (and note that Jesus declared Himself as the Door of the sheep)? Some Buddhists and Hindus have conflicting views on Jesus - some may consider Him as an incarnation of Vishnu or Amitabha Buddha while others may consider Him to be the upcoming Maitreya Buddha. Muslims merely consider Jesus to be another prophet and reject the fact that He actually died on the cross for the sins of mankind. These teachings of Jesus can't reconcile with biblical truth in one way or another.
So if religions led to God then Christ is dead in vain. But thank God that Christ is not dead in vain. It's also a frightful truth that Christ is not dead in vain. It's because rejection of the only Way, the Truth and the Life means eternal damnation for those who do!
See also:
- By False Peace Many Will Be Destroyed
- How Religious Ecumenism Will Help the Antichrist and His New World Order
- No Wonder It'll Be Easy For the Antichrist to Be Loved By the World!
- Pope Francis I and Pushing "Unity"
- Prophecies Are Getting Fulfilled yet so Many People Still Refuse to Believe the Bible!
- Signs of the Times... All Eyes on Israel and More!
- The Bible is Credible with Prophecy, History and Current Events
- The Bittersweet Reality in the Book of Revelation
- The Dangerous Heresy of the "Love Gospel"
- The Incredible Irony That Many People Want a Perfect Leader But Reject the Lord Jesus Christ!
- The Roman Catholic Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible!
- The Time of Harvest is Coming! Be Ready to Meet God!
- This World Offers Nothing But False Peace
- Unsaved Scoffers Still Laugh at the Bible While Prophecy Fulfills Before Their Very Eyes
- What's Wrong with the Ecumenical Movement?