Pulpit & Pen is the Reformed Theology Version of Jesus-is-Savior

If the website Jesus-is-Savior wasn't enough to cause much ruckus then you might consider that there's a reformed theology version of that website too. No, I'm not saying that the pervert David J. Stewart has converted to Reformed Baptist theology after years of Hylestic theology. Instead, we've got a very similar site called Pulpit & Pen which boasts itself as "the most trusted source for news and polemics". There's a saying that if it's too good to be true then don't believe it!

You have J.D. Hall and Seth Dunn running the site. You may even notice that the site is no longer on the list of blogs. It's because the more I read it - the more I remember my foolishness of spending too much time reading Stewart's rather fork-tongued site. Then I heard of unethical behavior from both Hall and Dunn to be very common on social media.

So what do both sites have in common? Here's what can be observed:

  1. If you used to read Jesus-is-Savior - you may notice how its webmaster Stewart is very good at being very offensive and cheesy in his approach. It seems that both Hall and Dunn are no different in that approach.
  2. Both sites have plenty of good articles about evils in today's society. However, both of them tend to be guilty of using half-truths and conspiracy theories. A broken clock can tell the truth sometimes but it doesn't mean it's reliable. 
  3. Both of them have very cluttered websites too. Navigating around their sites can be a real pain. Jesus-is-Savior's front page is really messy. Pulpit & Pen is less messy but still a whole mess to be desired. My experience as a visitor on both pages hasn't been very user-friendly either!

Though, I could also state where Pulpit & Pen is actually still better than Jesus-is-Savior for Christian research but should still be discouraged nonetheless:

  1. Pulpit & Pen doesn't subscribe to the heresies of Jesus-is-Savior like Easy Believism. Stewart is well observed for his double-talk - something Christians reading his site doesn't easily figure out until sooner or later.
  2. Pulpit & Pen hasn't posted as many offensive images such as that of Jesus-is-Savior. However, they are still using an offensive approach to reach out to people. 
  3. They do really attack some real false preachers. However, it's more often than not that the site has been way too focused on plucking out leaves. Here's a bit of advice for them - false preachers usually expose themselves. While I do believe it's sometimes necessary to name names (such as those who seem to be brethren) but talking about these false preachers a lot can be a huge waste of time. Refuting the heresy in turn refutes the heretic.

I don't doubt that Pulpit & Pen was an interesting read (at first). Then again, so was Jesus-is-Savior until I found some rather disturbing forked tongue talking by Stewart himself. It's really something when younger Christians are misled by such sites. Later, I decided that it'd be best to drop them due to how they approach reaching out to people. Jesus-is-Savior hypocritically criticizes the Vatican while endorsing the late pervert Jack Hyles. Pulpit & Pen criticizes Jesus-is-Savior while having more or less the same offensive approach.

It's best to just stay away from both sites completely!

See also: