Judaism is Satanic, Jesus is the Only Way to God the Father

The Middle East is really indeed a war zone where countless people go to Hell daily. I considered the pride in the Middle East. There is also the battle between the followers of Judaism (seldomly called Jews in the religious sense) and Muslims. As Passover is about to end tomorrow - it would be a good issue to address that both Islam and Judaism are just as satanic as each other.

Got Questions has this to say about Judaism:
So, what is it that Jews believe, and what are the basic precepts of Judaism? There are five main forms or sects of Judaism in the world today. They are Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed, Reconstructionist, and Humanistic. The beliefs and requirements in each group differ dramatically; however, here's a list of the traditional beliefs of Judaism would include the following:
  • God is the creator of all that exists; He is one, incorporeal (without a body), and He alone is to be worshiped as absolute ruler of the universe.
  • The first five books of the Hebrew Bible were revealed to Moses by God. They will not be changed or augmented in the future.
  • God has communicated to the Jewish people through prophets.
  • God monitors the activities of humans; He rewards individuals for good deeds and punishes evil.
  • Although Christians base much of their faith on the same Hebrew Scriptures as Jews do, there are major differences in belief: Jews generally consider actions and behavior to be of primary importance; beliefs come out of actions. This conflicts with conservative Christians for whom belief is of primary importance and actions are a result of that belief.
  • Jewish belief does not accept the Christian concept of original sin (the belief that all people have inherited Adam and Eve’s sin when they disobeyed God’s instructions in the Garden of Eden).
  • Judaism affirms the inherent goodness of the world and its people as creations of God.
  • Jewish believers are able to sanctify their lives and draw closer to God by fulfilling mitzvoth (divine commandments).
  • No savior is needed or is available as an intermediary.
  • The 613 commandments found in Leviticus and other books regulate all aspects of Jewish life. The Ten Commandments, as delineated in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21, form a brief synopsis of the Law.
  • The Messiah (anointed one of God) will arrive in the future and gather Jews once more into the land of Israel. There will be a general resurrection of the dead at that time. The Jerusalem Temple, destroyed in A.D. 70 by the Romans, will be rebuilt.
  • Beliefs about Jesus vary considerably. Some view Him as a great moral teacher. Others see Him as a false prophet or as an idol of Christianity. Some sects of Judaism will not even say His name due to the prohibition against saying an idol’s name.

Calling Judaism the Old Testament religion is something. I used to think Judaism was the Old Testament religion and that it was later perverted by the Pharisees. However, a bit of a study would reveal the essential difference between the Jewish faith of the Old Testament (which I used to think was traditional Judaism before perversion) vs. the teachings of Judaism. Notice the points that were highlighted in yellow and see a lot of stuff that doesn't agree with the Old Testament:
  • The sin of Adam had obviously tainted the whole human race. If humanity didn't inherit the sin of Adam then why in the world did God demand a sin sacrifice? Why in the world did Cain the firstborn of the Earth become a murderer? It would be impossible for Cain to kill Abel if he didn't inherit the sinful nature of his parents. It would be impossible for Abel to see his need for a Savior if he didn't have that original sin. Then the world fell into more sin during Noah's time. How can that account for mankind is basically good?
  • Judaism is putting the cart before the horse. The Old Testament doesn't teach salvation by works either. The Old Testament pointed out the need of the Savior over and over and that all that people can do was to put their trust in God and His promises in the Old Testament. Genesis 15:6 clearly states that Abraham believed God and was accounted for righteousness.
  • Believing that no savior is ever needed is contradictory. The followers of Judaism today fail to see the antitypes of Jesus in the Old Testament. They fail to see that God promised a Savior in Genesis 3:15 that will put in as an intermediary. They fail to see that God provided a ram that saved Isaac and became the sin sacrifice. They fail to see that the Bible has types of Jesus such as Moses and Jeremiah. They fail to see that the Captain of the LORD's host is a pre-incarnate Jesus. 

We also need to why Judaism is just as satanic as Islam:
  • Both Judaists and Muslims believe that their good works will bring them closer to God. Worse, they are still relying on blood sacrifices of clean animals in the Old Testament to wash away their sins. 
  • Both Judaists and Muslims believe in an upcoming messiah but not Jesus. Muslims believe in the Mahadi. Judaists believe that their messiah will gather Jews once more in Israel. Sadly, both Mahadi and the Judaist messiah point to the Antichrist.
  • Some branches of Judaism view Jesus as just another prophet. Islam also teaches that belief.
  • Both Judaism and Islam also reject the concept of original sin. 
  • Both of them have plenty of followers unaware of their violent religious history. 
  • Not to mention, Judaism and Islam are antagonistic to Christianity. It's no surprise to see that Judaists and Muslims are now having unequal yokes with Roman Catholics. 

What about the verse of Esther that says people were becoming Jews? People were accepting the religion of the Old Testament - not the perversion of Judaism. If anything, I think Judaism probably rose during the 400 years of silence after Malachi. The Jewish religion was already getting perverted with syncretism such as in the times of the prophets. Jeroboam already set priests who were not of the Tribe of Levi. Many of the Pharisees (such as Saul of Tarsus) were not even of the Tribe of Levi. The 400 years of silence after Malachi would have made ample room for Satan to cook up another dangerous religion to mislead people. 

One may consider what Martin Luther really meant in his book "The Jews and Their Lies". It's accused that Luther was a racist. The Christian History Institute writes on the matter as follows:
Luther was not an anti-Semite in the racist sense. His arguments against Jews were theological, not biological. Not until a French cultural anthropologist in the nineteenth century held that humankind consisted of “Semites” and “Aryans,” were Semites considered inferior.
Luther's arguments were against people of the Jewish faith (Judaism) not Jews in the biological sense. Many times, the Bible uses the word "Jew" to describe the ethnic Jew. Yet, Esther 8:9 says that some Persians became Jews - Jews in the sense that they accepted the true religion of the Jews. That's why I tend to use the term Jew differently from Israelite. Yet, Bible translations would prefer to use the word Jew with more than one meaning. It's almost like saying that there's such a thing as an Israelite Christian but not a Jewish Christian. On the other hand, anti-Semitism today hates Jews for simply being born Jews. Though I may want to call followers of Judaism is as either Judaists or Judaizers to avoid confusing them with biological Jews. 

The Jewish faith can't save. It wants the Father but it doesn't want the Son. Jesus already warned that He is the only Way to the Father (John 14:6). Jesus had warned in Luke 10:16 that whoever rejects Him rejects the Father. How can you expect Jews to get saved if they only believe in the Father without Jesus? It's either you receive Jesus or perish. Thank God for some Jews who have come to their senses away from the evils of Judaism. As Revelation 2:9 warns that there are people who claim to be Jews but are not Jews. Instead, they are of the synagogue of Satan! I would say Judaism today is nothing more than a synagogue of Satan. The Old Testament ceremonial laws are gone. The animal sacrifices have been abolished. Only the moral law still stands.