Continuing the Reformation During This Time of COVID-19 Pandemic
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The Patriot Post |
Although Baptists may or may not consider themselves as Protestants - they still need to consider the Reformation as part of church history. Without the Reformation - we wouldn't get the King James Version (KJV) which followed centuries later. The KJV was based on several other English Bibles such as the Matthew Bible, the Tyndale Bible, and the Geneva Bible. The Reformation reached its 500th year last 2017 and it's reached its 503rd year this 2020. 2020 is also a bad year because of the COVID-19 crisis. Yes, there were already Christians against Rome before the Protestant Reformation happened. There were the Waldenses, Mennonites, and Baptists among groups who were martyred before the rise of Martin Luther. Though one quote by Paul Washer of Heartcry Missionary says, "The reformers didn't want to be reformers - they just wanted to be biblical!" I woudl agree with that though the event has been known as Reformation Day - celebrating another milestone of the holy catholic (not Roman Catholic) Church as it moves forward to proclaim the Gospel.
I was thinking about how I wanted to offer brotherly criticism to John F. MacArthur about reopning Grace Community Church. Some churches have already started to re-open though they aren't at full capacity. Good thing MacArthur hasn't placed some legalistic command and has thankfully placed some safety precautions. Just then, I decided to check Pyromaniacs and found this statement from the post "Questions We Get About the GCC Elders' statement":
We understand that we are in unprecedented times, and that the information from governing authorities and health officials changes each day. If you are not comfortable returning to worship, please feel free to take advantage of the live stream and other alternatives. We love you, we miss you, and we are eager to welcome you back when you are able to join us (1 Pet 1:22), but we recognize there are some of our members for whom this is the right decision—especially if you are sick or experiencing symptoms of the virus, are at high risk of complications due to age or other health conditions, or have regular contact at home with someone who is at high risk.
While you're away, please continue to reach out to your fellowship group pastors, Bible study shepherds, and other fellow members. We are eager to learn of and meet your needs.
What was also interseting that in the time of Luther - we can also read that the Black Plague, something far more fatal than the current COVID-19 made things worse. Luther had no access to social media to have a virtual service. Luther was in a far worse pickle than the great Reformed Baptist preacher, Charles H. Spurgeon. Luther then gave these sound words of advice which churches should follow:
I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict and pollute others and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me however I shall not avoid place or person but will go freely as stated above. See this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash no foolhardy and does not tempt God.
Luther wouldn't fit well with the hyper-faith movement either. As Luther said that it would be dumb to tempt God by going near to people during that time of the Black Plague. Just because the COVID-19 is less fatal than the Black Plague doesn't mean that hyper-faith movement follows. I still remember that sketch in my Bible subject textbook where a man foolishly walked on thin ice because he had "lots of faith". Just because I have faith in God doesn't mean I can jump off from the building and ask God to let His angels fetch me. Remember Satan tried to make Jesus jump off. Jesus could've jumped off and make the angels fetch him. Instead, Jesus replied not to tempt the LORD your God quoting from Deuteronomy 6:16. Though take note that the Bible wasn't originally written in verses and chapters yet until much later for easier reference. Not to mention, Luther didn't do away with scientific advice such as fumigation, air purification, medical administration, and the like. Just remember Luke himself the writer of the Gospel According to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles was a physician.
Later, Charles H. Spurgeon also had to face the Broad Street Cholera Outbreak of 1854. Spurgeon's community was fortunately spared, unlike Luther. Yes, Spurgeon's community was spared by the sovereignty of God and they continued missions during such a crucial time. Though no records of Spurgeon's sermons were done at that time. It's possible that Spurgeon eventually had to close church for a time. Though Geoff Chang of the Spurgeon archive also wrote this practical advice:
Pastors need to exercise wisdom when it comes to gathering as a church, especially when the health and lives of people are at stake. Certainly, adjustments will need to be made and priority will have to be given to only the most important aspects of our gatherings. But when such gatherings are possible, pastors should realize that they can be tremendous opportunities for preaching the gospel to those who are desperately looking for hope.
Churches themselves can still continue the Reformation, even indirectly, when they choose to do outreach for the sick and by having volunteers as part of evangelism. Fortunately, we've got online deposits these days which are not yet the Mark of the Beast. Christians shouldn't get alarmed at barcodes, credit cards, and the like because as Vernon McGee would say - they aren't the mark yet. However, they can show that the prophecy can come to pass. I can enjoy all the cashless transactions today. Besides, does it even matter when Christians will be gone? Unfortunately, for the lost people, they will eventually receive the mark of the Beast and never repent even when God gives them that chance. That's why people who receive the mark are going to be in the Lake of Fire - it's not just for receiving a mark but also because they repented not even after 14 plagues from the seven trumpets and the seven bowls of God's wrath. The digital age can now allow some Christians to give their tithes and offerings via online deposits to finance their church's work in helping out victims. Not to mention, Christian health workers are now used mightily to do his work. I'm glad that Paul Washer of Heartcry Missionary has been giving encouragement to the Christians in China in this midst of the COVID-19 crisis. I believe that God may even use Chinese evangelists to help fulfill Matthew 24:14. That's why it's not easy to give in to the End Times Hype when you see evangelism is happening in a very fast pace in this day and age!
There's really this need to still continue the work of God even in this pandemic. Not everyone can be there on the frontline. God had purposely made some stay home while others do their work. Some businesses are reopening now. Some people are earning from work at home. Christians should be encoruaged to help in every little way possible and as the LORD God provides. The Reformation will still happen this 2020 and until the Lord Jesus decides to take His Bride, the Church, home.
Soli Deo Gloria!
See also:
- A Continuously Reformed Mindset Moves Forward, Not Backward
- Continue the Reformation, Expect Only Persecution!
- Continuing the Reformation Also Means Preaching Against Quack Evangelical Pastors
- Continuing the Reformation Means Continuing the Biblical Tradition of Church Discipline
- Continuing the Reformation Daily Also Means to Keep Preaching Against Those Sin-Loving False Converts!
- Continuing the Reformation in Meekness and Humility
- Continuing the Reformation Means Continuing the Biblical Tradition of Church Discipline
- Continuing the Reformation Means Taking the Risk to Get the Gospel Out!
- Focus on Soulwinning, Not on Conspiracy Theories This COVID-19
- Lessons from Psalm 62 During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Please Pray to God to Give Wisdom to Your Authorities in the Midst of Any Crisis
- Surviving and Winning Against COVID-19 by Obeying Romans 13
- The Christian Church is Still One in the Midst of Any Crisis Like the Recent Coronavirus Pandemic
- The Ongoing Coronavirus Outbreak, God's Sovereignty, and Christian Responsibility