Continuing the Reformation Daily Also Means to Keep Preaching Against Those Sin-Loving False Converts!

As much as eternal security is Scriptural truth and that you can't lose your salvation, what needs to be also emphasized would be the characteristics of person who's truly once saved, always saved. It's true you can't lose your salvation but it's no call for fireworks that one is free from the Law so you can sin forevermore. A Christian is no longer under the Law but under grace yet by grace, the Christian fulfills the law. Romans 3:31 says that faith doesn't void the Law, rather it fulfills the Law. Titus 2:11-14 says that God's grace teaches righteous living. 1 Corinthians 6:11 says that true salvation brings real change in one's life. 1 John 2:19 teaches that fake converts will eventually fall away proving they were never truly converted. It's easy to say you're once saved, always saved but to be truly once saved always saved means you're in a very difficult position for the rest of your earthy life. The world hates those who are truly saved because they desire godliness and hate ungodliness. To have eternal security means one has the gift of the perseverance of the saints.

One camp attacks eternal security by teaching it's a license to sin. The other camp distorts eternal security by teaching it's a license to sin. Both teachings are just as misguided as each other. There's this backdoor approach when they supposedly present themselves that they're against sin but they teach that a person can get saved and still live like the Devil. That teaching is not Scriptural and Romans 4:5 doesn't teach that. While Romans 4:5 seems that it's a comfort that any Christian can live like the rest of the world and still be saved but it's not. What does it mean to be counted for righteousness? God doesn't only impute righteousness but He also makes the Christian walk in righteousness as a result. Ephesians 2:10 says that God's grace equips people to good works.

To say that if anybody does any "fruit inspection" then it's Pharisaical. Did they ever read Matthew 7:14-20? Jesus already warned that by their fruits they will be known. You don't gather good fruit from bad trees and bad fruit from good trees. When a tree is diseased then it will produce rotten fruit. When a tree is good it will produce good fruit. Those who insist that fruit inspection is the work of the Pharisee might as well call Jesus a Pharisee. If fruit inspection were wrong then it should be outlawed. Then it means it's time to eat nothing but rotten produce. But Christians are also told to inspect the fruits to know them. How can anybody be saved and still live like the rest of the world is really incomprehensible to the truly regenerate. Only fake converts teach that you have a license to sin. True converts don't want a life of sin.

The parable of the sower is not about four different types of Christians. It's not about losing salvation or earning it. Instead, it's all about what characterizes the true believer. False conversions happen because the heart is not yet conditioned to become the humbled soil. As long as people are hardened in sin, choked by worldly desires and have a shallow ground in their hearts they don't become true converts. Many people join in without true repentance. What does it mean to repent? The Greek word for repent is metanoneia which means a change of mind which results to a change of purpose. Repenting of one's sins is necessary that unless the sinner sees himself or herself as a wicked person deserving nothing but Hell they refuse to get saved. That's not works salvation since repenting of one's sins is to be sorry for them. Doing good after salvation is fruits meet for repentance. There's no reason for any Christian to embrace any Antinomian as a brother or sister in Christ.

Let's close with this statement by the great Martin Luther which says, "But our Antinomian friends wish in their folly to flatter secure men and to make them good by reminding them of [imputed] righteousness though such an age as ours is incapable of being terrified by the lightning of the Law. One account of the great sense of [false] security it's necessary to thunder and lightning with the Law."

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