No, Grace is Not an Excuse to Keep Living in Sin!

It's really sickening how the doctrine of cheap grace has entered the church. Grace is free but it's not cheap. I guess it's time to rename those Antinomians who say they teach free grace theology as teachers of cheap grace theology. This grace diminishes the very reason why our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross in the first place. The death on the cross was not only to pay for the penalty of sins but to also liberate people from sins. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says that the penalty was paid by the one who knew no sin. Hebrews 9:14 says that the blood of Christ was set to redeem people from their dead works to serving the living and true God.

Many can go ahead and say that they're under grace so they can sin all they want. That kind of teaching isn't biblical. Jude 1:4 warns of people who teach that God's grace is a license to sin. Titus 2:11-14 says that God's grace teaches that its beneficiaries would be taught to deny ungodliness and live soberly and righteously making them a people zealous of good works. People saying that anybody who's zealous of good works is a Pharisee are making such a terrible mistake. Matthew 7:16-20 warns that a good tree can't produce rotten fruit and a rotten tree can't produce good fruit.

If you think God's grace is even a license to sin then you're horribly wrong. Nobody can get saved and say that they can sin all they want or remain the same prior to getting saved. It's amazing how people these days think that they're saved and be indifferent towards good works. They think that fruit inspectors are Pharisees. If that's so then Jesus would have been a Pharisee. Paul would have been a Pharisee whenever he requested for self-examination whether or not people would be in the faith. Good works may not save a person but they inevitably come forth because people are indeed saved. Genuine works come from a genuine faith. A faith that's dead is not saving faith to begin with.

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