
Showing posts from March, 2017

You Must Have All of Christ or You Have None of Christ

It's a heresy today to try and divide the Lordship of Christ and His office as Master from His role as Savior when all three offices come together. While salvation is indeed not by works but there's one thing we can't deny: Christ is not someone who is divided into portions where one can receive Him as Savior but not as Lord. The teaching itself has been one of the biggest reasons why so many false converts abound today. It's a heresy today to preach a Christ who is a Savior but not Lord. To say that it's optional to submit to Jesus as Lord is an utter heresy for this reason. Jesus is Lord and you must submit to His Lordship whether you like it or not. Christians are not just required to submit but they will submit. A true and real salvation submits to Christ for salvation and submits to Him in the process of sanctification. The Christian will delight to submit to Christ's Lordship and they delight to see their imperfect but genuine repentance perfected at a...

If Your Church Is Having a Sunday Concert Then It Is Not a Sunday Worship Service

It's stupid to use carnal means to get people into the church. If that church is using carnal means then one should question the salvation of the pastor and the people who attend its services. They can't even be called an assembly of Christians or members of the Body of Christ. One of the worst heresies to come into the Sunday worship service is when what should be a solemn time of worship gets involved with theatrics or entertainment driven services rather than the sanctity of a worship service. Those who accuse born again Christians of having a Sunday concert might need to realize that we are not an entertainment driven group. People today tend to get bored and want to feed the flesh. This makes seeker sensitive churches or "easy Christianity" churches a huge sensation and they have lots of members. Some of these "easy Christianity" churches may call themselves Baptist but I call them "Bap twists " because they claim to be Baptist but they ...

This Picture Shows All "Sex Change" Does is Change the Appearance But Not the Biological Gender

Meet what could be one of the world's oddest couples. A transgender "man" marries a transgender "woman". But guess who got pregnant? It certainly wasn't the transgender "woman" but it was the transgender "man". No matter how you try and change your biological gender it will never change. It's sick how the world even allows people to identify themselves as the opposite gender when the biological gender has NEVER changed. Whether you like it or not you can't defy your gender. If it were possible to defy your gender then tell me why are some male homosexuals even getting married and producing families with female homosexuals? No matter how a male homosexual tries to be a woman or a female homosexual tries to be a man but certain traits will always stand out that's more prevalent to their biological gender. So what makes you even think you can alter your gender when God gave you your biological gender in the first place? S...

Calling Christians as Fanatics and Bigots By Politically Correct Standards

Make no mistake that political correctness is a very popular movement and Christianity will be unpopular to a world lost in sin. Just because many accept it doesn't mean that it's right or wrong. Truth will be the truth whether or not many or only few accept it. A lie will always be a lie even if everybody or nobody accepts it. The notion that you must accept what the majority thinks is dangerous. That stupidity alone suggests that if everyone drinks dirty water, eats poison or takes narcotics then you must do it or be "left out". But Jesus warned in Matthew 7:13-14 that there are more people making the wrong choices than people who are making the right choices. Christians are considered fanatics because the world system today thinks that there are many ways to Heaven. John 14:6 is one of the most politically incorrect things I've ever heard. The world keeps telling Christians that they should be more "accepting" and "loving" of other relig...

More People Want an Entertainment-Driven Church Over a God-Fearing Church

It's sad and infuriating how the late Aiden W. Tozer once said and it happened that time will come when a generation thinks that they can have the Christian life without forsaking the world. He also warned of the great heresy of his day that many churches today think that they're in the entertainment business. What's even more upsetting is that only a few people want genuine fellowship. Almost everyone wants to go where the crowd is. One of these places is the entertainment driven church where theatrics replace the Word of God. Any good preacher could go ahead and keep discussing about the theatrics of Roman Catholicism such as the use of incense and magnificent ceremonies. But it would be equally misguided to forget about the entertainment driven church. While Rome indeed is the biggest cult there is but the entertainment driven church is no less a gate of Hell. It's still a gate of Hell and all gates to Hell leads to Hell nonetheless. The entertainment driven chur...

It's Sickening at How People Today Are No Different Than People in Noah's Days

The world laughed at Noah for preaching repentance then Christians can expect the same thing to happen to them today. People today just never learn from history and they keep repeating its folly. There's a saying that history repeats itself and that those who fail to learn from it will relive it. After the Flood, our ancestors came out of the Ark and it didn't take long for God's covenant with man not to last long. After Noah it just took three generations to ruin mankind all over again. After Ham's wickedness, there was Cush and from Cush's sons there was Nimrod. The death of Cain's descendants didn't end wickedness. The real problem was that people are wicked even if they were descendants of Seth. We're all descendants of Seth and Noah but more people follow the path of Nimrod and Cain than that of their righteous ancestors. The name Nimrod means let us rebel. It's said that he began a new brand of corrupt religion. Genesis 11:1-9 shows that ki...

Christians are Called to Lovingly Confront Evildoers

One of the biggest mistakes today is teaching that love doesn't rebuke. If they think love doesn't rebuke then it's time to say love does rebuke. 1 Corinthians 13:6 says that love in action doesn't rejoice in falsehood but in the truth. While you can rebuke without loving but you can never love without rebuking. The Christian ministry was called to lovingly confront evildoers not to have a false kind of love and tolerance toward them. Ephesians 5:11 says that Christians must have nothing to do with the works of darkness. Instead, they are called to rebuke the workers of darkness. You can't be a Christian and still love darkness. If you're a Christian you were called out of sin not called into sin. Nobody can claim to be a Christian and claim to have a license to sinfulness. Such people are fake converts who need to be exposed for their own good. The idea of "love" and tolerance is not biblical love but a false kind of love. It is an evil kind of lo...

Chastisement Brings Both Sorrow and Safety

The Christian life isn't an easy life. Acts 14:22 describes the Christian life to be that of much tribulation before the journey is over. The Christian will have the problem of sin. Romans 7:14-25 has Paul describing the very struggle against sin. Even if Christians aren't living like the rest of the world but they're not sinless even if they sin less. Reading through John 15:1-8 describes Christian growth. Jesus used the word "pruning" to describe what His Father does to the believer. While the worthless branches are certainly false converts but the true branches are the believers. He prunes them because He knows that it's a true branch not a false branch. False branches are thrown aside to the fire while true branches remain. The pruning process is meant to make sure that Christians will be fruitful in their Christian lives. Any good gardener knows the true branches need some pruning every now and then. Hebrews 12:5-7 is clear that if you're a chil...

Whose Rights Are Politically Correct Organizations Defending Anyway?

Organizations like Amnesty International, the International Criminal Court, Human Rights Watch, the United Nations, the European Union, Global Thinkers, the Roman Catholic institution or just any politically correct organization aren't making the world a better place as they claim. The question is whose rights are these politically correct organizations defending anyway? Are they defending the rights of victims as they claim or are they defending the rights of people who love to do wrong? It's time to ask the question of whose rights are these politically organizations defending anyway. It's time to take a look at how politically correct organizations are very stupid and hypocritical. They demand complete tolerance but can't tolerate views different than theirs. In truth complete tolerance is absolutely impossible for this reason: if you love the good then you will hate the evil. If you love the evil then you will hate the good. Good and evil are always opposing for...

Taking the Law into One's Hands and Casting the First Stone

There's the new trend called vigilante killings. It would be good to speak against the political correctness and foolishness of international groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch but it's also wrong to take the law into your hands. While John 8:7 doesn't condemn the death penalty but it also condemns taking the law into one's own hands. The problem wasn't the death penalty but that the Pharisees were actually taking the law into their hands. There's a problem of quoting Exodus 20:13 to go against the death penalty while saying the death penalty is just in the Old Testament. Exodus 20:13 talks about murder. Death penalty is not state murder but defensive killing. The same Bible that condemns murder also commands the death penalty for murderers. Read through all of Exodus to Deuteronomy and find out that the same God who condemns murder also ordered the death penalty for murderers. Pope Francis or anyone has no right to condemn death penalty ...

Refuting the False Accusation From Some Roman Catholics that Born Again Christians Reject the Sacraments

There's some Roman Catholic apologists that claim born again Christians supposedly reject the sacraments. First, let's define sacrament. This is what Theopedia has to say as the definition of the word sacrament: A sacrament is a rite or ceremony instituted by Jesus, and observed by the church as a means of or visible sign of grace. The English word sacrament is from the Latin sacramentum, which means to make holy, or to consecrate.  Sacraments are ceremonial in nature , which separates them from other things that Jesus instructed believers to do (e.g. "go and make disciples of all nations," Matthew 28:18). The claim that born again Christians reject the sacraments is very unfounded as the claim that sacraments save the soul of the person. No, Roman Catholic priests don't save anyone's souls because they themselves need saving. The issue is not about sacraments but what the Roman Catholic institution teaches about sacraments. There's a big differ...

Homosexual Teachers' Method of Brainwashing Children

It's no secret how homosexuality is becoming more and more mainstream. Homosexuals are very good in their agenda where they're always playing the victim, they claim to be "born that way" and that society should just accept their sexuality as who they are. Part of this agenda in the schools involve indoctrination with the idea that questioning other people's sexuality always equals hate or that disagreement always equals hate. That idea is already taught in schools and children are indeed Satan's favorite target. He knows that Proverbs 22:6 says that children must be raised accordingly so he's got other plans. If lying about Santa Claus is just one way he can confuse children then telling them it's okay to be a homosexual at a young age also works. A huge problem happened when an ISIS terrorist murdered fifty homosexuals in a homosexual bar. Christians volunteered to help survivors of the incident and they got accused of hypocrisy. They said that i...

Are You Going to Church or Just to a Nice Building on a Finely Manicured Lawn?

It's time to confront the reality of "Easy Christianity", the prosperity "gospel" crowd and others that look like Christian churches but aren't. I could tell that this place of worship isn't Christian if it's held by what's obviously pseudo-Christian. A Roman Catholic parish is already obvious to me it's not Christian. A Iglesia Ni Cristo parish is already obvious to me it's not Christian. A Mormon temple is obvious to me it's not Christian. Any pseudo-Christian denomination's parish is not Christian. Any institution that teaches salvation by faith plus works is not Christian. Works salvation is a more obvious wolf and it's easier to shoot at. But do you know that we've got "churches" today that look Christian to the true Christian until they dig into their teachings? The bigger problem is when I think that this place is a Christian church but it's really a trapdoor church. We've got many places of wor...

Filipino Racists Who Are Also Roman Catholic Fanatics Are Contradicting Themselves

Let's focus on another division within Rome. This is the trend of Roman Catholics who are Filipino racists. This may be the mindset of Filipino racists who are also practicing Roman Catholics: If you're a Filipino then you should practice Roman Catholicism. The born again Christian faith must be rejected as something that was just "made in America". They believe that Billy Graham is the founder of the born again Christian group during the 1970s. They may also be adhering to the ideology that Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world. It's time to address the foolishness of their foolish arguments one by one. This would point out how they are self-contradictory individuals. 1.) The argument that if you're a Filipino then you should practice Roman Catholicism relies on the logical fallacy called appealing to tradition  These people may insist that because Roman Catholicism was practiced in the Philippines for several centuries now that they...