Was Mary the Earthly Mother of Jesus Born Without Sin?

It would be best to discuss about since today is the Roman Catholic feast of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Roman Catholics insist that Mary was supposedly born without sin and the argument goes that if Mary were a sinner then why was Jesus sinless. That is a good question to ask and it would be good to provide some answers based on the Bible.

Luke 1:28 is frequently used to defend the stand on the doctrine of Mary's immaculate conception. The verse has the angel calling out to Mary with the words, "Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the LORD is with thee: blessed art thou among women." But there is a problem with that one. Grace is not given to those who do not need it but towards sinners. There is a failure to take things and read things in context. If Mary was ever conceived without sin then notice verse 29 has her trembling at the angel Gabriel's message. Mary already knew she was a sinner as evidenced in verse 47 with her conversation with Elizabeth. She recognized God is her Savior. If she were sinless when why would she declare God as her Savior?

Now Roman Catholics even go as far as to teach that Mary offering a sin sacrifice did not mean she was a sinner. Did they even read from the Old Testament laws on impurity and the need to sacrifice for sins? Luke 2:21-24 has Mary offering what she needed - a sin sacrifice like every other person. Some say that she was just fulfilling the Law like Jesus' baptism. Some argue that although baptism was needed for salvation but Jesus did it to comply with the Law. Unfortunately, they are arguing from the standpoint of faith plus works salvation. If she was not a sinner then why would she be counted as ritualistically unclean?

Now it is time to answer the question, "If Mary was a sinner how was then, Jesus born without sin?". Do Roman Catholics ignore that Jesus came before Mary? Although Jesus is considered the Son of David in the flesh but He is also David's Lord (Luke 20:41-44). Mary is a descendant of David through David's son Nathan (Luke 3) and not of Solomon. We have to consider also the fact in Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1 does not list Joseph as Jesus' earthly father. Joseph is Jesus' legal father and He has no earthly biological father. His Father is God and with that His human form was conceived by the Holy Ghost (Luke 1:18).

If the Child was conceived by the Holy Ghost then it would no longer matter if Mary was sinless or not. God being God can do the impossible. Mary a sinner would give birth to a sinless child because that Child is born by the Holy Spirit. Even if Mary was not born without sin but the miracle is that Jesus was born without sin. Don't Roman Catholics believe it was possible to conceive Mary without sin even if her parents were sinners? So why cannot the same be for Jesus who can be born without sin even if His earthly mother was a sinner saved by grace?

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