LGBT Communities Are Made Up of Self-Entitled Bullies Who Ignore Simple Biology

Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities bullied or being bullied? I don't dare deny that Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church and the members of Westboro Baptist Church are bullying LGBT communities. However, this doesn't mean that the LGBT communities aren't composed of bullies too. They are no better than the "Christian" groups" that they claim have bullied them. Worse, they are bullies that want people to forget simple biology.

Why would I dare say that they want us to forget simple biology? They are no different from the evolutionists who want us to forget the simple rule of genetics that like reproduces like. Now, we have these LGBT bullies who insist on their rights to do what they do - even when it defies science. Worse, you've got some "intellectual" LGBT atheists who insist that science is beloved to them but what they are doing defies simple biology.

Do they know that biology states that for non-hermaphroditic species that there's only male and female? If the person is supposedly born with both male and female genitals then the genetic dominance takes place. Basic biology proves that a man's chromosome is XY and a woman's chromosome is XX. Is that even arguable? Transgenders are just "transgenders" - their gender hasn't changed even if they have done some alteration. Their genetic make-up will determine whether or not they are male or female. Isn't that all simple science to say that a man is a man and a woman is a woman based on BIOLOGICAL composition? Besides, when gays marry lesbians, it's obvious that it's the lesbian who becomes the MOTHER and the gay who is the FATHER due to their biological roles!

Do you want to know what comfort room you're assigned to? Take a look at your birth certificate. If you're born a man then use the men's comfort room. If you're a woman then use the women's comfort room. It's not that hard yet people are making it that hard. A man in a woman's clothes and a woman in a man's clothes are still to use the comfort rooms assigned to them. Women are not meant to urinate standing up. Men are the ones who urinate against the wall with a urinal except in cases that they can't stand up. Why are people now even arguing which comfort room is which when the biological gender dictates it?

It's because they have been given into a reprobate mind (Romans 1:27-29) that they do stupid stuff. These self-entitled bullies are always making themselves look like victims. It's no surprise that victims of a sodomy bar bombing called the Chick-Fil-A aid as "hypocritical". They think that love means accepting all errors because they're blinded. But Christians have their duty not to step down to the level of these LGBT bullies. The LGBT bullies are bullied but bullying them is not the solution. Rather, the solution is found in Romans 12:20-21 (which was what Chick-Fil-A did to the survivors of the bombing) because evil can never be overcome by evil. Rather, evil can only be overcome with good.

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