It's Sad How Many Roman Catholics Today Don't Even Know Their Violent History

I remembered the time I actually started discovering the dark history of the Roman Catholic institution and how fascinated I was by it. Some of these books revealed the brutality of the Inquisition and the Crusades. I remembered reading books and websites about the Vatican without checking on whether or not the source is credible or even academic. I found them pretty enjoyable but at the same time I couldn't effectively discuss with Roman Catholics. As much as some of them are credible but others are based on fantastic claims and speculations. It's stupid to criticize Roman Catholicism's sensationalism while enjoying anti-Roman Catholic sensationalism.

It's a big mistake that anybody could commit to discuss with Roman Catholics about the Inquisition or the Crusades or any truths that the Vatican has hidden from the public instead of focusing on the Gospel. Many Roman Catholics today say it's a myth not because they're covering up the truth but because the truth has been covered from them. They believe that the Inquisition or the Crusades are both just myths or to be just tiny problems to be historical truth. They are victims of historical revisionism done by the Vatican. If they knew about it then it would be disastrous for their religious superiors. They are led to believe that Peter is the first Pope, that they are in the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ on 33 A.D. and that the Scripture is not sufficient. Worse, they are most likely told that they can only trust their priests on the matters of spiritual truth! Arguing with them isn't helping one bit and showing them something like Foxe's Book of Martyrs or the Vatican's involvement in two major world wars may not be the best way to witness.

It's a big problem that some people who discuss with Roman Catholics don't even get scholarly methods and sources. Why some Christian organizations have stopped using certain types of Gospel tracts is because they tend to be overly cheesy and offensive. One good example is how often some tracts about Roman Catholicism talk too much about the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Roman Catholic Nazis, how the Vatican started two major world wars and while these are truths but the average Roman Catholic today should hear the Gospel first. These sources tend to represent Roman Catholics as criminals even if the publisher has the noble intent of leading them to Christ. While the truth will be offensive but witnessing to any unsaved person as cheesy and offensive as possible is just as misguided as seeker sensitivity.

Instead, those who should witness to Roman Catholics should focus on the Bible and handle their objections about salvation. A good example would be if they insist that they must pass through Mary then nicely discuss with them why that's wrong. If they talk about faith plus works try and discuss nicely with them why salvation is not faith plus works. It would mean diligently studying the Roman Catholic doctrine and refuting it with the Bible in context. But again take note that not everyone would respond and it's important to continue praying for the lost.

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