Calling Something in the Bible as Legalism?
Today is the first day of October and some Christians think about the Reformation. Some may only think about the Reformation as merely a protest against the Roman Catholic institution but it isn't. The Reformation should be viewed as upholding the five Solas against all unbiblical heresies. While Martin Luther fought the idea of salvation by works but he also fought against the idea of Antinomianism. He said:
"But our Antinomian friends wish in their folly to flatter secure men and to make them good by reminding them of [imputed] righteousness though such an age as ours is incapable of being terrified by the lightning of the Law. One account of the great sense of [false] security it's necessary to thunder and lightning with the Law."
The Gospel According to Jesus, p. 200
Today, it has become legalism in Laodicean churches to be a fruit inspector even when Jesus warned in Matthew 7:16-20 saying:
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
It's not legalism but exercising one's duty of doing biblical judgment on possible false converts. Legalism is when you misuse and abuse the law. Another meaning for legalism is when you think you're good enough for God. To call people to discern others by their fruits is biblical. Jesus said it Himself to judge people by their fruits. I'm sorry if that offends you because it should. I'm already tired of hearing people who keep misusing judge not. It's really stupid how people these days just don't want biblical judgment or how they want to be saved only from Hell but not from sin. Jesus saves the sinner from both Hell and sin not just one without the other. Antinomianism has perverted eternal security to the point many think they're saved even if they never manifest assurance that they're in Christ. There's no reason to believe anybody who believes that salvation is a license to sin is a truth convert.
It's a problem that the lukewarm churches don't want to do righteous judgment. Instead, all they want to do is to sin all they want. Even if Romans 4:5 says that to him that works not but believes in Jesus, it doesn't mean comfort that the believer may live like the rest of the world. On the contrary, to be counted for righteousness means that you get a new life. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 shows the change from unrighteousness to righteousness. True authentic faith doesn't leave people in their sins. God is too holy to leave those who are saved to remain the same. God is too loving and gracious not to change the habits of those who are His.
See also:
- Can A Truly Saved Christian Sin All They Please? NOT A CHANCE According to Scriptures!
- Debunking the Idea That Reformed Theology Makes Salvation "Complicated"
- Declare a Spiritual War Against the Heresy of Teaching the Possibility of a Fruitless Christianity!
- Does Calvinism or Reformed Theology Teach a License to Sin?
- "Easy Baptists" Are Insulting Old Fashioned Christianity!
- "Easy Christianity" Churches Are Also Leading People to Hell
- "Easy Christianity" Seeks To Separate Itself From Sound Doctrine!
- Examining The Greek Words For Carnal and Justify To Understand Scripture And Dispel Heresy!
- It's Impossible to be a Christian and Not Bear Even ONE Good Fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ
- Jesus Died For Sin Because Man is Not Basically Good
- Jesus Christ is the Lord of EVERY Christian
- Many People Will Die in Their Sins Because of Pride!
- Martin Luther on Authentic Faith Producing Works
- Martin Luther on Christian Living
- Martin Luther on Faith and Works
- Martin Luther on Humility and Grace
- Martin Luther on Righteousness and Good Works
- Struggling with Sin
- Taking Judge Not out of Context
- The Call of Salvation Is Salvation FROM Sin, NOT Salvation to Sin!
- The Dangers of Preaching the Lie That Jesus Doesn't Save People From Their Sins
- The Five Solas is the Christian Lifestyle
- The Lukewarm Church Hates the Commandment to Execute Righteous Judgment!
- Why Do Christians Do Good Works Even If They're Not Saved By Good Works?
- You Cannot Be a Christian and Hate the Doctrine of Christian Sanctification
- You Can't Be a Saved Person and Remain Perpetually Disobedient to Christ!