Celebrating Christmas While Believing All Religions Lead to God is Blasphemy

I know this can be a very controversial article especially when Christians have had a long history of arguing about Christmas. Some say that Christmas should be dismissed as pagan because of December 25 hits at the Saturnalia. However, Reformation Day hits on October 31 which is the same day as Halloween or for some - the night before All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day in the Roman Catholic calendar. However, festivals similar to Saturnalia don't necessarily hit on December 25. I've tried reading various sources and the birthday of the pagan sun god can vary from culture to culture. Now, we've got the celebration of Christmas going on. Some Christians believe it's okay to celebrate Christmas without the pagan nonsense. Somehow, I dare agree with that even if I personally dislike the Christmas season for all the nonsense people do with it. Yet, I don't judge Christians who use Christmas as a time to get together and use it as an opportunity to do more good. What I don't like about Christmas is when people use it to show business charity while doing wickedly for the rest of the year.

I have noticed how easily Christmas has become the most worldly time ever. What I don't find surprising is how the fictitious Santa Claus (who I heard was also based on Nicholas of Myra who some say was just another fake saint invented by Rome) is more popular than Jesus. Let's face the fact that the Beatles did become more popular than Jesus. The Gospel is a very unpopular thing. Christmas is usually looked forward to presents, parties, and bonuses but Christ is always kept out. That's why I think it shouldn't even be called Christmas. It should be called as Gift-Mas because of the focus on the gifts or Clausmas because Santa Claus is more popular than Jesus. It makes no sense to call it Christmas if all it does is worldliness. It's no surprise that even pagans celebrate Christmas in December. Just think a Buddhist temple, a Hindu temple, or a Taoist temple would also host a Christmas party. It's no surprise really that even one temple I knew had Buddhist nuns singing Christmas carols. Some Buddhists and Hindus even believe that Jesus was either an avatar of Vishnu, an incarnation of Amitabha Buddha, or the upcoming future Maitreya Buddha or Kalki. It's not even surprising Japan has a blasphemous Anime series called "Saint Young Men" where Buddha and Jesus are best buds. It's not surprising to see Buddhists and Taoists who would offer incense to the idols of Rome. I even remembered how Buddhism and Catholicism made both their versions of the Queen of Heaven meet in an ecumenical event. All these are but preparations for the Antichrist's arrival.

Why do I think celebrating Christmas or the incarnation while believing all religions lead to God is blasphemy? It's because of the ugly truth behind Christmas. The incarnation was necessary because we're not basically good. Matthew 1:21 says that Jesus came to save us from our sins. If we're all basically good then why is it necessary for the Son of the Highest God to be born in human form? Why would we need the Son of God to be incarnated in human form to live a perfect life? Why would He be given the name Jesus (or Joshua or Yeshua in Hebrew) which means Jehovah Saves? If all other religions could save then why would He come? Galatians 2:21 says if your own effort can save you then Christ is dead in vain. The birth of Christ is important because without it - Good Friday can't even occur. The birth of Christ in His humanity was necessary so He can die for man's sins as a 33-year-old adult. The incarnation of Vishnu into Rama and Krishna are fiction. The Hindu teaching (in some branches) that Siddharta Gautama is an incarnation of Vishnu is just fiction. The eternal Son of God being born in the flesh as the Son of David is very real.

The message of Jesus when taken into full context is offensive to the average religious person. Sure, many world religions can agree with Jesus' moral teachings such as turning the other cheek when insulted, loving your enemies, offer forgiveness, return evil with kindness but the spiritual aspect is really offensive. Many pagan religions today are inclusive. Christianity is however exclusive as Jesus said in John 14:6  that He is the only way to the Father. How is that for a Jesus who accepts other religions? How is that for the "Jesus" blasphemously portrayed in "Saint Young Men" as a person who accepts other religions? How is that for a Jesus who was supposedly just Vishnu or Amitabha Buddha incarnating in human form just to teach another path to dharma? Jesus said that He's not just a way but the way. Dharma means the path of righteousness. Many religions today emphasize on self. I've read Buddhist stories and many of them teach salvation by works. Jesus taught salvation by faith that results to works. I don't want to dismiss whatever good Siddharta Gautama did but Jesus did much more. All Gautama Buddha could teach was about death and accepting it. Buddha told the woman with a dead son to accept it. Jesus did what Buddha couldn't - by resurrecting the woman's dead son. Jesus Himself provided the way because every other way leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). The contrast is just too huge.

To get it straight - Christianity is more than just a religion. Manmade religion today just focuses on the external. How often is it that we're told to do all the good we can to earn Heaven? How often do I hear it today that anybody who lives a good life can make it to Heaven - even those outside the Church of Rome? Isn't that confusing that Roman Catholicism bragged that there's no salvation outside the Church of Rome? Religion comes from the word religare or to re-establish a relationship. The Christian religion is not just any religion. Jesus came to establish what other religions could not - a personal relationship with Him and the Father. To enter into that personal relationship is dangerous for this reason - the world hates Him (John 15:18-19). To enter into a personal relationship with Christ means you can lose everything. There's high risk yet there are also infinite rewards. How can the Christian religion that defies the religions of the world to be in complete harmony? If you claim to be a Christian yet you believe in accepting other religions then you're not a true Christian. A true Christian is only living righteously by God's grace while affirming the full truth of the Scriptures. You can't be a Christian and accept all religions as true because the truth is absolute as again Jesus declared Himself the only way to the Father.

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