No to New Year's Resolutions, Yes to Daily Resolutions!
It's already New Year's Eve and Christmas and Lenten Season aren't the only most hypocritical times of the year. The other problem is with the New Year's Resolution. It somewhat implies you need to wait for the new year to make a resolutions that are soon meant to be broken. What does the Bible say about resolutions? Here's what it says:
This is not a yearly thing but a daily thing. Christians are commanded to renew their minds not on a yearly basis but on a daily basis. Sanctification is a daily process or better said an hourly process or even by the minute or by the second the Christian is subject to it. There's no such thing as wait until the year ends before you do any resolutions. Instead, Christians are told to make their resolutions to be better all year round!
Going back to the Old Testament the sacrifices were not just yearly but there were also daily sacrifices. The work of the Old Testament priesthood was to offer prayer and sacrifices daily. Since every Christian is a priest in the sense of getting equal access to God (1 Peter 2:9) then shouldn't offering sacrifices of Christ be a daily task? Nothing more nothing less than daily service and daily sanctification sums up what it means to be already saved by the grace of God.
Here's what the Bible says about Bible reading:
That doesn't sound like just do it on the New Year but that sounds like a command you should do on a daily basis. Here's the question. Do you wait until the New Year before you make resolutions or do you do it at a daily basis to make a resolution? While nothing's wrong with welcoming the new year or looking back at every mistake for the past year to change them but one must realize that sanctification and the Christian life are to be done daily not just yearly. Instead, it would work better to examine one's self daily.
Here's something to close for the New Year:
See also:
Romans 12:1-2 - "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
This is not a yearly thing but a daily thing. Christians are commanded to renew their minds not on a yearly basis but on a daily basis. Sanctification is a daily process or better said an hourly process or even by the minute or by the second the Christian is subject to it. There's no such thing as wait until the year ends before you do any resolutions. Instead, Christians are told to make their resolutions to be better all year round!
Going back to the Old Testament the sacrifices were not just yearly but there were also daily sacrifices. The work of the Old Testament priesthood was to offer prayer and sacrifices daily. Since every Christian is a priest in the sense of getting equal access to God (1 Peter 2:9) then shouldn't offering sacrifices of Christ be a daily task? Nothing more nothing less than daily service and daily sanctification sums up what it means to be already saved by the grace of God.
Here's what the Bible says about Bible reading:
Joshua 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
That doesn't sound like just do it on the New Year but that sounds like a command you should do on a daily basis. Here's the question. Do you wait until the New Year before you make resolutions or do you do it at a daily basis to make a resolution? While nothing's wrong with welcoming the new year or looking back at every mistake for the past year to change them but one must realize that sanctification and the Christian life are to be done daily not just yearly. Instead, it would work better to examine one's self daily.
Here's something to close for the New Year:
2 Corinthians 13:5 - "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?"
See also:
- Be Thankful That You Have a Bible!
- Beware: Nobody Can Love Jesus While Hating the Scriptures!
- Can A Truly Saved Christian Sin All They Please? NOT A CHANCE According to Scriptures!
- Debunking the Idea That Reformed Theology Makes Salvation "Complicated"
- Declare a Spiritual War Against the Heresy of Teaching the Possibility of a Fruitless Christianity!
- "Easy Baptists" Are Insulting Old Fashioned Christianity!
- "Easy Christianity" Churches Are Also Leading People to Hell
- "Easy Christianity" Seeks To Separate Itself From Sound Doctrine!
- Examining The Greek Words For Carnal and Justify To Understand Scripture And Dispel Heresy!
- Friendly Reminder: Please Practice No Bible, No Breakfast Policy!
- How Often Do You Study the Bible?
- It's Impossible to be a Christian and Not Bear Even ONE Good Fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ
- It's Not Enough to Just "Read the Bible", You Must Study It!
- Jesus Died For Sin Because Man is Not Basically Good
- Jesus Christ is the Lord of EVERY Christian
- Many People Will Die in Their Sins Because of Pride!
- Satan Loves It When People Are Ignorant of God's Word!
- Sola Parochus or Sola Scriptura?
- Struggling with Sin
- The Bible is Complete, Case Closed!
- The Bible is Daily Bread, Not Cake For Special Occasions!
- The Call of Salvation Is Salvation FROM Sin, NOT Salvation to Sin!
- The Dangers of Preaching the Lie That Jesus Doesn't Save People From Their Sins
- The Importance of Reaching Out the Youth with the Word of God
- The Worn Out Christian Bible and the Strong Christian
- Theology Separated From Christ is Deadly
- Three Steps of Christian Happiness: Own a Bible, Read It, Apply It!
- Why Do Christians Do Good Works Even If They're Not Saved By Good Works?
- You Cannot Be a Christian and Hate the Doctrine of Christian Sanctification
- You Can't Be a Saved Person and Remain Perpetually Disobedient to Christ!