Politically Correct People May End Up Wanting to Legalize More Criminal Activities
It's sickening how some people today "rationally" want to legalize both dangerous drugs and prostitution. They say that both dangerous drugs and prostitution should be legalized so the government could regulate it. That kind of logic is dangerous because if the government legalizes something then it's already encouraging something. Isn't declaring dangerous drugs and prostitution illegal already a way of regulating it? Isn't arresting drug dealers, rehabilitating drug addicts, shutting down brothels and rescuing people tricked into prostitution already an act of regulating those sinful activities?
I want to raise the question if such people also want more crimes to be legalized so the government can regulate it. So what's going to be next? If dangerous drugs and prostitution are going to be legalized so the government can "regulate it" then let's think should we also legalize other crimes? I would like to name some crimes that could be considered for their list. Maybe the same people would want to legalize murder, rape, theft, robbery, smuggling and the like to "regulate" them. I couldn't think of how dreadful society would be when more crimes will be legalized.
Should crimes like murder, rape, theft, robbery, smuggling and the like by legalizing them so they can be regulated by the government? If you think that legalizing crime will stop crime then think it over again and again. If those crimes are legalized then it's only natural that crime will increase. The logic that they should be legalized and "tax it" is just stupid. Taxes should be collected from legitimate income. Paying just income taxes from legitimate businesses won't discourage profits compared to jailing or even the death penalty. People would rather pay just tax rates than end up in jail for life or get executed for their crimes. Do you think taxing murderers, thieves, robbers, smugglers and the like will discourage their activities? If you say yes then you might be high on dangerous drugs.
Taxing won't stop criminals when a crime is legalized for this reason. Even if criminals have to be taxed for their activities that won't discourage the crime. The reason is taxing finances the governments. If the government earns taxes from crime syndicates then think would the government want to have them running around causing harm. If corrupt governments keep getting financial contributions from criminals then it will result in poor law enforcement. If we tax the criminal who gains a living through a life of crime then that would encourage his activities. Just think of it that criminals will be paying taxes knowing that a stupid government will protect them in exchange for their taxes. The law-abiding citizen who pays taxes gets destroyed. It results in a government that rewards wickedness and punishes righteousness as a result.
It's very easy to say that "studies show" but not all studies they use are really credible. I remembered being told that you could buy a fake thesis at a dark and shady ally. Some researchers are so dishonest that they manipulate data. Other schools are so corrupt it's easy to bribe one's authorities to pass an illegitimate thesis to be labeled as a legitimate one. They also play their game of political correctness to silence people whose facts refute their error. For those thinking about legalizing crime with their "studies", they might as well prepare to lose their rights to complain when they themselves become victims of crime. If they made crime legal then you lose every right to even get mad when you become a victim of crime.
As for those who think that crime should be legalized because we're not under law but under grace think again. Not being under law but under grace means the motive why Christians do good works. Ephesians 2:8-10 and Titus 2:11-14 show us what it means to be under God's grace. If you're under God's grace then you won't live a life of sin. No Christian would even think that legalizing anything that's displeasing to God will ever make it pleasing to God. Neither would any truly born again Christian want to bless politically correct people so that their crimes will prosper. Rather, Christians are tasked to bless politically correct people in the sense that they will know the truth about their sins and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
See also:
I want to raise the question if such people also want more crimes to be legalized so the government can regulate it. So what's going to be next? If dangerous drugs and prostitution are going to be legalized so the government can "regulate it" then let's think should we also legalize other crimes? I would like to name some crimes that could be considered for their list. Maybe the same people would want to legalize murder, rape, theft, robbery, smuggling and the like to "regulate" them. I couldn't think of how dreadful society would be when more crimes will be legalized.
Should crimes like murder, rape, theft, robbery, smuggling and the like by legalizing them so they can be regulated by the government? If you think that legalizing crime will stop crime then think it over again and again. If those crimes are legalized then it's only natural that crime will increase. The logic that they should be legalized and "tax it" is just stupid. Taxes should be collected from legitimate income. Paying just income taxes from legitimate businesses won't discourage profits compared to jailing or even the death penalty. People would rather pay just tax rates than end up in jail for life or get executed for their crimes. Do you think taxing murderers, thieves, robbers, smugglers and the like will discourage their activities? If you say yes then you might be high on dangerous drugs.
Taxing won't stop criminals when a crime is legalized for this reason. Even if criminals have to be taxed for their activities that won't discourage the crime. The reason is taxing finances the governments. If the government earns taxes from crime syndicates then think would the government want to have them running around causing harm. If corrupt governments keep getting financial contributions from criminals then it will result in poor law enforcement. If we tax the criminal who gains a living through a life of crime then that would encourage his activities. Just think of it that criminals will be paying taxes knowing that a stupid government will protect them in exchange for their taxes. The law-abiding citizen who pays taxes gets destroyed. It results in a government that rewards wickedness and punishes righteousness as a result.
It's very easy to say that "studies show" but not all studies they use are really credible. I remembered being told that you could buy a fake thesis at a dark and shady ally. Some researchers are so dishonest that they manipulate data. Other schools are so corrupt it's easy to bribe one's authorities to pass an illegitimate thesis to be labeled as a legitimate one. They also play their game of political correctness to silence people whose facts refute their error. For those thinking about legalizing crime with their "studies", they might as well prepare to lose their rights to complain when they themselves become victims of crime. If they made crime legal then you lose every right to even get mad when you become a victim of crime.
As for those who think that crime should be legalized because we're not under law but under grace think again. Not being under law but under grace means the motive why Christians do good works. Ephesians 2:8-10 and Titus 2:11-14 show us what it means to be under God's grace. If you're under God's grace then you won't live a life of sin. No Christian would even think that legalizing anything that's displeasing to God will ever make it pleasing to God. Neither would any truly born again Christian want to bless politically correct people so that their crimes will prosper. Rather, Christians are tasked to bless politically correct people in the sense that they will know the truth about their sins and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
See also:
- Alcohol is a Very Effective Dissolving Agent
- Alcoholism is Slow Suicide
- Arminianism and Antinomianism are Enemies of Biblical Preaching
- Antinomianism is Heresy
- Antinomianism is One Gospel Which is Not Anothe
- Beware of Being "Politically Correct" Over Being Scripturally Correct
- By God's Grace: No Christian Can Ever Love Sin!
- Can A Truly Saved Christian Sin All They Please? NOT A CHANCE According to Scriptures!
- Can You Hate Law and Order and Have the Credibility to Talk About God?
- Cheap Grace Theology is Deadly
- Children Trying to "Grow Up" Fast?
- Declare a Spiritual War Against the Heresy of Teaching the Possibility of a Fruitless Christianity!
- Despite God's Warnings, People CONTINUE IN THEIR SIN
- Don't Even Think About Legalizing Prostitution or Sex Trade
- Eight Logical Fallacies Commonly Used By Politically Correct People
- God's Law is For Our Protection!
- Going Against Booze and Narcotics is NOT Stupid
- How Does Authentic Faith Differ From Superficial Faith?
- If Your Gospel Is Celebrating Sin, Then It Is Not the Real Gospel of Jesus Christ at All
- It's Sickening How People Can Sympathize with Criminals over the Victims of Crime
- Just Say No to Political Correctness!
- Legalized Prostitution and Same Sex Marriage is Returning Sodom to the World
- Legalization of Booze and Narcotics is Dangerous to Society
- Liberals Are in a Mess Between Christianity, Islam and Homosexuality!
- List of Crimes That Should Be Punishable By Death
- Loving People Enough to Tell Them the Whole Truth
- Making Certain Sins Legal by Manmade Laws!
- No, Grace is Not an Excuse to Keep Living in Sin!
- No Truly Saved Pastor Ever Teaches Grace Is a License to Sin
- Playing With Sin is Dangerous!
- Political Correctness Won't Make Sin Smell Any Sweeter to a Holy, Righteous God!
- Politically Correct People May End Up Wanting to Legalize More Criminal Activities
- Sin's Wages Aren't Always Paid Immediately
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Church Is a Hospital for REPENTANT Sinners and NOT a Haven for Unrepentant Sinners!
- The Call of Salvation Is Salvation FROM Sin, NOT Salvation to Sin!
- The Church Is a Hospital for REPENTANT Sinners and NOT a Haven for Unrepentant Sinners!
- The Death Penalty is Biblical
- The Foolishness of People Who Want Jesus as Their Savior but Not as Their Lord
- The Immature Christian Struggling in Sin vs. The False Convert Reveling in Sin
- The Strong Beer for Real Men? Beer is For Fools!
- The Unregenerate Human Heart Embraces Sin with Wide Open Doors and Welcomed by Both Arms!
- The War Against Drunkards Who Claim to be Christians!
- What is Pleasurable is NOT Necessarily Beneficial
- Why Go Against Hard Liquor and Drunkenness?
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- Whose Rights Are Politically Correct Organizations Defending Anyway?