Continuing the Reformation Also Includes Loving Your Enemies
It's the 500th year of the Reformation and maybe one thing to emphasize is love for one's enemies. This can be a very touchy subject because of the issue of pride. The Reformation's history has been met with so much persecution. When the Reformation came then so did the Counter-Reformation. The Inquisition tried to stop the Reformation. Ignatius of Loyola established the Jesuit Order as part of the Counter-Reformation. It's a huge battle for the truth. To try and stop the Protestant Reformation meant that the Roman Catholic institution used bloody means to try and stop it. Yet, the true Christians always remained firm in their quest to love their enemies.
Matthew 5:43-48 and Luke 6:27-36 is the very pages of Scripture. It's the very words of Jesus. What's the use of defending the truth of Sola Scriptura if the one defending it has some bitterness? The message of the Gospel is forgiveness. If you read through the pages of the history of Christianity and not just the Reformation is forgiveness. Stephen in Acts 7:54-60 didn't hold the sin against his persecutors. The early Christian church was so hit by persecution yet the Christians accepted it. They preached the Gospel and preached it. They lived out the teaching of Jesus to love their enemies and to be kind to the unkind and to be just to the unjust.
Paul even wrote to the believers in Rome in Romans 12:17-20 not to take revenge but to love their enemies. If you consider the situation, it would have been the reign of that tyrant Emperor Nero. The persecution was getting hot. Nero himself was a known persecutor yet Paul wrote to the believers in Rome to love one's enemies. What could have happened in Rome to also cause Christianity to multiply is that God's grace and the Holy Spirit brings forth a forgiving spirit. You could see the Christians getting the worst tortures yet they forgave even those who inflicted such irreparable damage to their bodies. Christians who kept offering forgiveness while standing by the truth of the Gospel would have been sufficient reasoning to why Christianity grew in the midst of persecution.
I could also think of the Inquisition and the Christians who were martyred by it. I read of some testimonies of some of the victims of the Inquisition. One of the most unbelievable things that happened is that the Christians under the Inquisition forgave their Inquisitors. They would not change their positions because they could not change their positions. They didn't plan to return blood for blood against the Roman Catholic institution. Instead, it was a spirit of forgiveness that also kept the Reformation going. If Christians took revenge by burning Roman Catholics alive for the late William Tyndale then the Reformation would have ended so easily. Instead, the Reformers kept a spirit of forgiveness by the grace of God. The Inquisition is a weapon of revenge. The Reformation is a machine that returned evil with good and forgave its enemies. The Inquisition fought fire with fire but the Reformation fought fire with water.
What loving one's enemies is also telling them the truth of the Gospel out of concern for the soul of one's enemy. The Reformation would have failed also if they didn't love their enemies enough to tell them the truth. It's possible to tell the truth without loving but loving can never be complete without telling the truth. The Reformers love people so much that they went soulwinning like the pre-Reformation Christians before them. They kept the legacy alive that they love people enough to share the Gospel. The Gospel's message will make no sense if there's no love for one's enemies. Just think didn't Jesus' death on the cross meant to establish reconciliation between God and man? Man has become God's enemy (James 4:14) and must be reconciled to God by the free gift of salvation. This is the truth about loving one's enemies will always be essential to continuing the Reformation.
See also:
Matthew 5:43-48 and Luke 6:27-36 is the very pages of Scripture. It's the very words of Jesus. What's the use of defending the truth of Sola Scriptura if the one defending it has some bitterness? The message of the Gospel is forgiveness. If you read through the pages of the history of Christianity and not just the Reformation is forgiveness. Stephen in Acts 7:54-60 didn't hold the sin against his persecutors. The early Christian church was so hit by persecution yet the Christians accepted it. They preached the Gospel and preached it. They lived out the teaching of Jesus to love their enemies and to be kind to the unkind and to be just to the unjust.
Paul even wrote to the believers in Rome in Romans 12:17-20 not to take revenge but to love their enemies. If you consider the situation, it would have been the reign of that tyrant Emperor Nero. The persecution was getting hot. Nero himself was a known persecutor yet Paul wrote to the believers in Rome to love one's enemies. What could have happened in Rome to also cause Christianity to multiply is that God's grace and the Holy Spirit brings forth a forgiving spirit. You could see the Christians getting the worst tortures yet they forgave even those who inflicted such irreparable damage to their bodies. Christians who kept offering forgiveness while standing by the truth of the Gospel would have been sufficient reasoning to why Christianity grew in the midst of persecution.
I could also think of the Inquisition and the Christians who were martyred by it. I read of some testimonies of some of the victims of the Inquisition. One of the most unbelievable things that happened is that the Christians under the Inquisition forgave their Inquisitors. They would not change their positions because they could not change their positions. They didn't plan to return blood for blood against the Roman Catholic institution. Instead, it was a spirit of forgiveness that also kept the Reformation going. If Christians took revenge by burning Roman Catholics alive for the late William Tyndale then the Reformation would have ended so easily. Instead, the Reformers kept a spirit of forgiveness by the grace of God. The Inquisition is a weapon of revenge. The Reformation is a machine that returned evil with good and forgave its enemies. The Inquisition fought fire with fire but the Reformation fought fire with water.
What loving one's enemies is also telling them the truth of the Gospel out of concern for the soul of one's enemy. The Reformation would have failed also if they didn't love their enemies enough to tell them the truth. It's possible to tell the truth without loving but loving can never be complete without telling the truth. The Reformers love people so much that they went soulwinning like the pre-Reformation Christians before them. They kept the legacy alive that they love people enough to share the Gospel. The Gospel's message will make no sense if there's no love for one's enemies. Just think didn't Jesus' death on the cross meant to establish reconciliation between God and man? Man has become God's enemy (James 4:14) and must be reconciled to God by the free gift of salvation. This is the truth about loving one's enemies will always be essential to continuing the Reformation.
See also:
- Accepting Persecution is Part of Christian Life
- Arthur Pink on David's Flight
- Be More Christlike, Be Ready For More Persecution!
- Beware of Being "Politically Correct" Over Being Scripturally Correct
- Calling Christians as Fanatics and Bigots By Politically Correct Standards
- Christianity Has NEVER Been About Having Your Best Life Now!
- Christianity Is Not About Being Happy, Happy, Happy but Being Holy, Holy, Holy
- Christians Can Be So Full of Yesterday's Junk
- Crucifixion and Stoning Didn't Stop the Early Christians From Loving Their Enemies
- Continue the Reformation By Soulwinning This Halloween
- Continue the Reformation, Expect Only Persecution!
- Continuing the Reformation Daily Also Means Upholding Sola Scriptura!
- Continuing the Reformation Means Taking the Risk to Get the Gospel Out!
- Continuing the Reformation Means Warning People That Church Attendance Doesn't Make Anyone a Christian!
- Dear Christian, Are You Making Too Much of a Fuzz Over Somebody's Act of Offending You?
- Dear Christian, It's Foolish to Expect Yourself to Be Treated Better Than Jesus Christ!
- Does Forgiveness Mean Condoning Wrong Actions and Having Fellowship with Sinful Men?
- Don't Let Politically Correct Anti-Christian Governments Take Your Bibles and Self-Defense Weapons From You!
- Eight Logical Fallacies Commonly Used By Politically Correct People
- Explaining What Jesus Emphasized in Eye for Eye and Tooth for Tooth
- Hating Islam While Loving Roman Catholicism Makes No Sense!
- It's Hypocritical How Unsaved People Condemn Christians for Their Slightest Mistakes While Condoning the Sins of Their Own Over a Million Times!
- Loving People Enough to Tell Them the Whole Truth!
- Modern Day Reformation Also Protests Against the Heresy of Religious Ecumenism
- Part of Continuing the Reformation is Maintaining Peacefulness While Preaching the Truth
- Part of Continuing the Reformation is Sorrow For the Lost
- Playing With Sin is Dangerous!
- Political Correctness Won't Make Sin Smell Any Sweeter to a Holy, Righteous God!
- Preach the Gospel Seriously and Expect to Be at War with the Whole World!
- Pseudo-Christian Denominations Reject God's Word to Keep Their Own Traditions!
- Refuting the Ridiculous Claim That Sola Scriptura Condones to Certain Evils in Society
- Roman Catholic Double Standard: Sensationalizing the Sins of Quack Pastors While Covering Up the Sins of Roman Catholic Priests!
- Roman Catholic Fanatics Might As Well Reject Pope Francis
- Roman Catholic Mass Media's Selective Outrage
- Sin's Wages Aren't Always Paid Immediately
- Some Encouragement to Born Again Christians Out There!
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Born Again Christian Legacy is Wrongfully Hated by the World!
- The Call Not to Render Evil for Evil But to Overcome Evil with Good
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Unregenerate Human Heart Embraces Sin with Wide Open Doors and Welcomed by Both Arms!
- When Fighting Against Sin and Heresy, Don't Expect to Come Out Unscathed!
- Whose Rights Are Politically Correct Organizations Defending Anyway?
- Why Does God Forbid Humans to Enact Vengeance for Offenses Done Against Them?
- Worldly People Think Becoming a Born Again Christian is an "Unpardonable Sin"
- Wrongfully Criminalizing Christianity!
- You Can't Expect Christianity Without Enemy Attacks!