Modern Day Reformation Also Protests Against the Heresy of Religious Ecumenism
The purpose of the Reformation was to declare the true Gospel. The late Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin to German. The late William Tyndale was burned alive at the stake. The late John Calvin led the Reformed movement in Geneva, Switzerland. The true Gospel according to the Bible declares the one truth that beats off the Vatican I and Vatican II council altogether. That truth is found in John 14:6 that says there's no other way to the Father but through the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the only Way, the Truth and the Life. Unfortunately, Pope Francis who claims to be the Vicar of Christ. He continues and still continues to propagate the lie that all religions will lead to God. He even thinks of Evangelicals as separated brethren. If there's anything that I could also agree with Roman Catholic fanatics is that I'm not among their separated brethren.
The problem behind the idea of all religions lead to God is that Jesus already declared Himself the only Way. The late apostle Paul declared in Galatians 2:21 that if salvation can be achieved by works then Jesus died for nothing. If all religions can lead to God and if you just live a good life then Christ is dead in vain. The truth of the matter is that world religions can be so contradictory. Do you even know even one polytheistic religion can have so many conflicting schools of thought? Various stories of pagan gods and goddesses may have different versions in just one country. While doing some studies on Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism I'm not too surprised at how one sect after the other has nothing but conflicting stories to offer. Some can't even decide on the origins of one certain false god or false saint they've written. Why should pagans keep the older documents? Every pagan sect has something different to offer to keep Babylon Religion up and running.
The truth that Jesus is the only Way to the Father must be declared no matter how unpopular it is. You can go ahead and say that it's not politically correct. Sorry, I don't care about being politically correct. I only care if I'm Scripturally correct. The truth about Jesus Christ is unpopular. I don't care how many people love Pope Francis or fake pastors with an ecumenical yoke. I don't care if the world bows down to Pope Francis because of his open welcome for various religions. I'm told to stop criticizing and be more "loving" according to the worldly definition. In truth, their definition of loving is anything but Biblical. If they can't even get Biblical context right then I don't expect them to get the Biblical definition of love right. But I love them enough to tell them the truth that Jesus Christ is the only Way to the Father.
See also:
- Accepting Persecution is Part of Christian Life
- Arthur Pink on David's Flight
- Be More Christlike, Be Ready For More Persecution!
- Beware of Being "Politically Correct" Over Being Scripturally Correct
- Calling Christians as Fanatics and Bigots By Politically Correct Standards
- Christianity Has NEVER Been About Having Your Best Life Now!
- Christianity Is Not About Being Happy, Happy, Happy but Being Holy, Holy, Holy
- Continue the Reformation By Soulwinning This Halloween
- Continue the Reformation, Expect Only Persecution!
- Continuing the Reformation Daily Also Means Upholding Sola Scriptura!
- Continuing the Reformation Means Taking the Risk to Get the Gospel Out!
- Continuing the Reformation Means Warning People That Church Attendance Doesn't Make Anyone a Christian!
- Dear Christian, It's Foolish to Expect Yourself to Be Treated Better Than Jesus Christ!
- Despite God's Warnings, People CONTINUE IN THEIR SIN
- Don't Let Politically Correct Anti-Christian Governments Take Your Bibles and Self-Defense Weapons From You!
- Eight Logical Fallacies Commonly Used By Politically Correct People
- God's Law is For Our Protection!
- Hating Islam While Loving Roman Catholicism Makes No Sense!
- It's Hypocritical How Unsaved People Condemn Christians for Their Slightest Mistakes While Condoning the Sins of Their Own Over a Million Times!
- It's Sickening at How People Today Are No Different Than People in Noah's Days
- It's Sickening How People Can Sympathize with Criminals over the Victims of Crime
- Just Say No to Political Correctness!
- Loving People Enough to Tell Them the Whole Truth!
- Part of Continuing the Reformation is Maintaining Peacefulness While Preaching the Truth
- Part of Continuing the Reformation is Sorrow For the Lost
- Playing With Sin is Dangerous!
- Political Correctness Won't Make Sin Smell Any Sweeter to a Holy, Righteous God!
- Preach the Gospel Seriously and Expect to Be at War with the Whole World!
- Pseudo-Christian Denominations Reject God's Word to Keep Their Own Traditions!
- Refuting the Ridiculous Claim That Sola Scriptura Condones to Certain Evils in Society
- Roman Catholic Double Standard: Sensationalizing the Sins of Quack Pastors While Covering Up the Sins of Roman Catholic Priests!
- Roman Catholic Fanatics Might As Well Reject Pope Francis
- Roman Catholic Mass Media's Selective Outrage
- Sin's Wages Aren't Always Paid Immediately
- Some Encouragement to Born Again Christians Out There!
- Sorry, the Government Cannot Make Moral What God Has Declared Immoral
- The Born Again Christian Legacy is Wrongfully Hated by the World!
- The Hypocrisy of the Complete Tolerance Movement
- The Unregenerate Human Heart Embraces Sin with Wide Open Doors and Welcomed by Both Arms!
- When Fighting Against Sin and Heresy, Don't Expect to Come Out Unscathed!
- Whose Rights Are Politically Correct Organizations Defending Anyway?
- Why Does God Forbid Humans to Enact Vengeance for Offenses Done Against Them?
- Worldly People Think Becoming a Born Again Christian is an "Unpardonable Sin"
- Wrongfully Criminalizing Christianity!
- You Can't Expect Christianity Without Enemy Attacks!