The Problem of American "Christianity"

It's sad but true that why many churches in America have so little influence on the country is because of American "Christianity". Paul David Washer's sermons love to attack the common pest called the the modern American view of Christianity. It's very easy to say if you're an American then you're a Christian. That's so dead wrong because Christianity is never restricted to any nationality as everyone is welcome. Do you remember the time Esther and Mordecai were in Persia? Esther 8:17 says that many people in the land were converted to the true faith. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Sad to say but it's now a common misconception that if you're an American then you're a Christian.

Is America really a nation of Christians? That's one of the biggest questions that can be answered with a no. Today, many of America's churches are really not Christian churches. They are churches but not part of the Church the Body of Christ. Many of them teach one heresy after the other. The bigger deception is that they seem like they're Christian institutions but aren't. It's easy to identify Roman Catholicism as the biggest pseudo-Christian denomination. Some cults like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other pseudo-Christian cults are more vulgar about their heresies like some of them deny the deity of Christ. It's very easy to say no to a Roman Catholic priest or a Mormon missionary when you know about their heresies. But when it comes to pseudo-Evangelicals then that's when the deception kicks in. They may be a lot more subtle than the deception that the Vatican can do seeking to infiltrate the Evangelical churches!

The pseudo-Evangelicals churches can pretend to affirm to basic beliefs but they're not saved. It's very easy to affirm salvation by faith alone but they may be teaching a wrong kind of grace. While eternal security is indeed very Scriptural truth but these pseudo-Evangelicals can twist it. It's easy to think that if the person affirms salvation by grace through faith then that person is saved. But what we may not know immediately are their deadly heresies. Many of them turn out to be seeker friendly or closet Antinomians. If the person is indeed truly once saved always saved then such people can't live like the rest of the world. But these groups pervert once saved always saved from a doctrine that teaches that the believer will endure to the end to a doctrine that a person can get saved and still stay the same. That kind of teaching is not Scriptural. Nowhere in Scripture is it taught a person can get saved and still remain the same. Titus 2:11-14 teaches that God's grace defeats sinful living and teaches righteous living.

Followers of American "Christianity" may think that because they're popular then they're right. Did they even consider what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14? Jesus already warned that there are more people headed for Hell than for Heaven. But a lot of these followers of American "Christianity" think that they're right because of their numbers. Instead of holding a worship service to honor God's Word, some of them even end up having a rock concert. It's no less blasphemous than the Roman Catholic Mass that claims that the sacrifice of Jesus is repeated over and over again. God wants a worship service and not a concert. That's why entertainment driven churches need to be boycotted. That's why people must be wary about being loved by the world. James 4:4 says that the enemies of God are friends of the world.

Reformation Day is over but the Reformation still continues. The protest shouldn't be limited against the Vatican but against every heresy. Many churches today in America need a serious Reformation against the stupidity of American "Christianity". It may make a preacher unpopular but the Lord Jesus, the apostles and the prophets also suffered unpopularity. Popularity is fickle but what is done for God lasts forever.

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