The Modern Gospel is One Gospel Which is Not Another
If salvation by works is leading people to Hell then so is an incomplete presentation of the Gospel. Many people today think that they're really once saved, always saved but do they even know that true salvation is to be saved from sin? The doctrine of eternal security has been twisted to look like a license to sin whenever you have people who say you can get saved and sin all you want. Let's take time to examine the dangerous modern gospel. This phenomenon of "Easy Christianity" is one of the many reasons why so many fake converts exist today. What's causing the phenomenon that many people think they're once saved always saved but they were never saved? It's all thanks to a group of fake preachers who preach a the modern gospel which is not another.
Many preachers today only care about numbers but never about whether or not these people are truly converted. While some people have had genuine conversions from a sinner's prayer evangelism it was because the pastor wasn't wishy washy. The pastor preached a real message against sin and people realized how sinful they were. Although there were no external tears, you can't expect a perfect repentance (because true repentance grows as a person is sanctified) but you can see that true conversion is happening. The same pastor who had led some to a sinner's prayer would confront the possibility that such a person isn't saved. But today many think that just by saying a prayer they are saved even when evidence suggests otherwise.
The modernistic "gospel" is dangerous with its no repentance. Acts 17:30 calls people to repent of their sins. The idea of a salvation without repentance is dangerous. Repentance is derved from the Greek "metanoneia" meaning to have a change in mind which results to a change in purpose. If there's no repentance of one's sins then there can't be any salvation. The reason is that a heart that's hardened in sin will refuse to savingly believe. You can't love God and love sin at the same time. If people aren't repentant of their sins how can they genuinely believe in the Savior from sin? Jesus' mission is to save people from their sins and not in their sins. Many people think that they're saved and that they can sin all they want. That's one dangerous blunder that has also sent people to Hell together with the self-righteous crowd. It's warned in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness no man can see the LORD. This isn't a call to have holiness precede salvation but rather holiness characterizes someone who's eternally secure in Christ.
Others even go as far as to even present a Jesus without the death, burial and resurrection. Some have even gone as far that you can just believe in Jesus without the necessary gospel of the death, burial and resurrection. Worse, some of them even misquote Romans 10:9-13 to teach such a dangerous message. The Gospel message of the Bible is Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. The Bible teaches Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 1 John 5:13 teaches that those who overcame sin believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If your Jesus is not Lord, if your Jesus is not God, if you believe in a Jesus that's not of the Bible then you're not saved to start with. There's no Christ without the cross (Galatians 6:12-14) and no salvation without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22).
The idea of poking fun at Hell is one of the most dangerous things to happen. Rob Bell claims to be a Christian pastor but denies a literal Hell. Some modernist preachers even deny Hell. A lot of modernistic preachers even poke fun at Hell and only speak of nice things. To deny the reality of a burning Hell is dangerous. How can people know the truth about salvation and why they need it if they're not warned about Hell to start with? It would really be a huge reunion in Hell when all those misled people will forever accuse that quack pastor of only preaching nice things but never about Hell.
True Christian love doesn't condone to mistakes. It doesn't care if it offends people as long as it lovingly warns people to protect them from danger. The problem today is that the majority is usually laughing off God's warning until it's too late. Noah was only with his family and the whole world laughed. Lot was laughed at by the residents of Sodom concerning upcoming judgment. Matthew 7:13-14 warns that more people are wrong than right. God doesn't care about the majority's decision to rebel against Him. God's standard never changes regardless of what people think. Truth will always remain the truth even when only a few people believe it. No amount of majority votes will ever change the facts.
Many preachers today only care about numbers but never about whether or not these people are truly converted. While some people have had genuine conversions from a sinner's prayer evangelism it was because the pastor wasn't wishy washy. The pastor preached a real message against sin and people realized how sinful they were. Although there were no external tears, you can't expect a perfect repentance (because true repentance grows as a person is sanctified) but you can see that true conversion is happening. The same pastor who had led some to a sinner's prayer would confront the possibility that such a person isn't saved. But today many think that just by saying a prayer they are saved even when evidence suggests otherwise.
The modernistic "gospel" is dangerous with its no repentance. Acts 17:30 calls people to repent of their sins. The idea of a salvation without repentance is dangerous. Repentance is derved from the Greek "metanoneia" meaning to have a change in mind which results to a change in purpose. If there's no repentance of one's sins then there can't be any salvation. The reason is that a heart that's hardened in sin will refuse to savingly believe. You can't love God and love sin at the same time. If people aren't repentant of their sins how can they genuinely believe in the Savior from sin? Jesus' mission is to save people from their sins and not in their sins. Many people think that they're saved and that they can sin all they want. That's one dangerous blunder that has also sent people to Hell together with the self-righteous crowd. It's warned in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness no man can see the LORD. This isn't a call to have holiness precede salvation but rather holiness characterizes someone who's eternally secure in Christ.
Others even go as far as to even present a Jesus without the death, burial and resurrection. Some have even gone as far that you can just believe in Jesus without the necessary gospel of the death, burial and resurrection. Worse, some of them even misquote Romans 10:9-13 to teach such a dangerous message. The Gospel message of the Bible is Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. The Bible teaches Jesus Christ is the Son of God. 1 John 5:13 teaches that those who overcame sin believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. If your Jesus is not Lord, if your Jesus is not God, if you believe in a Jesus that's not of the Bible then you're not saved to start with. There's no Christ without the cross (Galatians 6:12-14) and no salvation without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22).
The idea of poking fun at Hell is one of the most dangerous things to happen. Rob Bell claims to be a Christian pastor but denies a literal Hell. Some modernist preachers even deny Hell. A lot of modernistic preachers even poke fun at Hell and only speak of nice things. To deny the reality of a burning Hell is dangerous. How can people know the truth about salvation and why they need it if they're not warned about Hell to start with? It would really be a huge reunion in Hell when all those misled people will forever accuse that quack pastor of only preaching nice things but never about Hell.
True Christian love doesn't condone to mistakes. It doesn't care if it offends people as long as it lovingly warns people to protect them from danger. The problem today is that the majority is usually laughing off God's warning until it's too late. Noah was only with his family and the whole world laughed. Lot was laughed at by the residents of Sodom concerning upcoming judgment. Matthew 7:13-14 warns that more people are wrong than right. God doesn't care about the majority's decision to rebel against Him. God's standard never changes regardless of what people think. Truth will always remain the truth even when only a few people believe it. No amount of majority votes will ever change the facts.
See also:
- Arminianism and Antinomianism are Enemies of Biblical Preaching
- Antinomianism is Heresy
- Antinomianism is One Gospel Which is Not Another
- Are You Going to Church or Just to a Nice Building on a Finely Manicured Lawn?
- Beware: Nobody Can Love Jesus While Hating the Scriptures!
- By God's Grace: No Christian Can Ever Love Sin!
- Can A Truly Saved Christian Sin All They Please? NOT A CHANCE According to Scriptures!
- Can You Hate Law and Order and Have the Credibility to Talk About God?
- Cheap Grace Theology is Deadly
- Charles H. Spurgeon's Quote as a Good Friday Reflection
- Declare a Spiritual War Against the Heresy of Teaching the Possibility of a Fruitless Christianity!
- Do Roman Catholics Understand the True Meaning Behind Good Friday?
- "Easy Baptists" Are Insulting Old Fashioned Christianity!
- "Easy Christianity" Churches Are Also Leading People to Hell
- "Easy Christianity" Seeks To Separate Itself From Sound Doctrine!
- Good Friday Reflection: Jesus' Sacrificial Love Made Him Take God's Judgment For Sin For Us!
- Good Friday Reminder: Jesus' Death Is to Liberate You from Your Sin Not to Liberate You to Sin
- Holiness Doesn't Stop After Holy Week, It's a Daily Walk in the Christian Life
- How Does Authentic Faith Differ From Superficial Faith?
- If Your Gospel Is Celebrating Sin, Then It Is Not the Real Gospel of Jesus Christ at All
- Jesus Died For Sin Because Man is Not Basically Good
- No, Grace is Not an Excuse to Keep Living in Sin!
- No Truly Saved Pastor Ever Teaches Grace Is a License to Sin
- Remember Celebrating Holy Week Is To Remember What Has ALREADY BEEN DONE, NOT SOMETHING THAT IS REPEATEDLY DONE!
- The Call of Salvation Is Salvation FROM Sin, NOT Salvation to Sin!
- The Church Is a Hospital for REPENTANT Sinners and NOT a Haven for Unrepentant Sinners!
- The Closet Antinomians Are Exposing Themselves
- The Foolishness of People Who Want Jesus as Their Savior but Not as Their Lord
- The Immature Christian Struggling in Sin vs. The False Convert Reveling in Sin
- The Jesus of "Easy Christianity" is ANOTHER JESUS!
- The Problem of Seeker Sensitive Preaching
- The Widespread Growing Plague of Popularity Driven Churches
- Understanding the Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ
- Watered Down Preaching Against Sin Is An Insult to the Cross of Jesus Christ!
- What Did Jesus Mean "IT IS FINISHED"?